sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2022

Post 2: Best holidays ever

I don't normally travel anywhere during the holidays, and 2021 was no exception.

For a little over two months i stayed at home enjoying my family, especially my father, whom i hadn't seen regularly for a year. On new year's eve my mom prepared desserts and a cocktail for the family, those were the best moments of all my vacations.

Mom, my brother and me.

Then, during february, i invited my most faithful friends to my house, we had tacos for lunch, we swam, we played video games, we watched funny videos and we talked.

Gonzalo, Diego and me.

For the next few weeks i worked from home making embroidery designs on my laptop. Then, i got my first job away from home, installation of air conditioners. I sincerely enjoyed working full time, even though the places i had to go were very cold or hot, the sips of water at the end of the day and the payment at the end of the month made all the effort worth it.

          Me working.


That year, college started a little later than usual, so i was also able to rest for a while, spend a lot of time with my younger brother, and put college itself out of my mind. It were the most productive holidays of my life so far, and i hope that the following ones will be even more so.

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Post 5: Food

Since I was 13 years old, my favorite food has been chaufán rice, I found out about its existence when my parents bought Chinese food for lu...